You can read an article about KyPlot from here .
The followings are main functionalities of KyPlot.
Changes in Version 6.0.2
1. Bug fixes
2. New functionalities
1) Spherical graphs (3D)
See samples file: SpherG
2) 3D map graphs
See samples file: Map3DG, Map3DList
New functionalities in Version 6.0.1
1) 2D and 3D pie graphs
See samples file: PieG
2) Scatter bar graphs (2D and 3D clustered bar/stacked bar graphs)
See samples file: ScatterBarG
3) Other samples
Graph templates for USA states data: MapUSAAreas and MapUSABars
New functionalities in Version 6.0.0
See samples files: MapG, MapList and MapWorld.
See also graph templates for Japan prefecture data: MapJapanAreas, MapJapanBars, MapJapanCompactAreas, MapJapanCompactBars and MapJapanCompactPolygons.2) Cylindrical graphs: cylindrical line/scatter/area graphs, cylindrical mesh graphs (surface /contour/column), cylindrical bubble graphs and cylindrical vector graphs
See sample file: CylindG.
Data analysis

•Gabor transform and wavelet analysis
Statistical analysis


•XY Line/Scatter/Area, XY Mesh (Image/Contour/Surface), , XY Bubble, XY Vector
•Polar Line/Scatter/Area, Polar Mesh (Image/Contour/Surface), Polar Bubble, Polar Vector
•Map Line/Scatter/Area, Map Mesh (Image/Contour/Surface), Map Bubble, Map Vector[3D graph]•Waterfall, 3D Bar, 3D Stacked Bar
•XYZ Line/Scatter, XYZ Mesh (Surface/Contour/Column), XYZ Bubble, XYZ Vector
•Cylindrical Line/Scatter, Cylindrical Mesh (Surface/Contour/Column), Cylindrical Bubble, Cylindrical Vector
Graph fitting

•Smoothing spline regression for plane and space curves (2D, 3D)
•Histograms and freaquency polygons (2D, 3D)
•Kernel density estimation (2D, 3D)
•Local likelihood density estimation (2D, 3D)
•Penalized likelihood density estimation (2D, 3D)
•Parametric curve interpolation (2D, 3D)
Function plot

•Cartesian parametric plane curve (2D)
•Cartesian bivariate implicit function curve (2D)
•Cartesian parametric space curve (3D)
•Cartesian bivariate function surface (3D/2D)
•Cartesian parametric surface (3D)
•Polar univariate function curve (2D)
•Polar parametric plane curve (2D)
•Polar bivariate implicit function curve (2D)
•Cylindrical parametric space curve (3D)
•Cylindrical/Polar bivariate function surface (3D/2D)
•Cylindrical parametric surface (3D)